Archaeology Today

Daily archaeological news, plus abstracts and full-length articles from the current issue and back issues with exclusive online articles, books, links, Buried Treasures & more. Archaeology is the scientific study of past human culture and behavior, from the origins of humans to the present. Archaeology studies past human behavior through the examination of material remains of previous human societies. These remains include the fossils (preserved bones) of humans, food remains, the ruins of buildings, and human artifacts—items such as tools, pottery, and jewelry.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010



Archaeology studies past human behavior through the examination of material remains of previous human societies. These remains include the fossils (preserved bones) of humans, food remains, the ruins of buildings, and human artifacts—items such as tools, pottery, and jewelry.

Archeology Today

Archeology Today
Archeology Facts
Archeology tells us how people lived hundreds of years ago. TxDOT complies with state and federal laws dealing with archeology and
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Archaeological Institute of America
Aims to support archaeological research and publication and protect the world's cultural heritage. Membership, local societies, annual meeting,
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